Looking back, looking ahead

Looking ahead
Wow, it feels like 2018 flew by in a blur. In truth it was absolutely filled with experiences, both globally and personally.
Looking back

On a global scale, AI continued to be at the forefront of next technological development and managing how AI is implemented will be what defines the direction of human race. The world this year experienced a lot of national and ideological divisions. In addition, dire warnings from scientific community, as well as Nature itself, paint a worrying picture of our planet’s sustainability and humankind’s disregard for it. In these moments, one looks to technology for solutions and hopes, in combination with human intellect, it will be enough to allow the next generations to prosper as well.

On the other hand, in the financial sector, the optimism has continued to soar, along with the all the markets, including stock and housing ones.

That meant rising prices as well, and it has made our search for our 2nd property that much more difficult. On a personal level, this year has been truly extraordinary. We have enjoyed our ship life, diversified our investments, travelled all over the world, watched Croatia reach World Cup final; we read inspiring books, renovated our 1st property and yes, we did manage to find that sweet deal and acquire 2nd property. Sherry will write more about that one in a coming post, but what really stood out this year has been the arrival of our Little One. It has been a rollercoaster of emotions, confirming our predictions for 2018! So, how can the year to come top that?

Looking ahead

How can it not, 2019 to be even better, when we are wiser and one step closer to our goals and dreams? Our Little One will continue to amaze us on a daily basis and enrich our lives, but that doesn’t mean we will forego our own goals. These include getting our 3rd property, reading at least 20 books, writing at least one blog post a month and picking up the slack in my daily Mandarin lessons and novel writing. One item that stayed the same from last year’s list is to start every morning by naming 3 things I am grateful for in my life. It can really put things in perspective. As you can see, we believe in quantifying our targets, and in doing so, making ourselves accountable to reach them.

If you don’t set firm and objective goals, you are most likely not going to stick with them. That is just human nature. So, make yourselves responsible for your dreams and goals. It might be more work but in the end, the rewards are going to be that much more satisfying and fulfilling.

This year we plan to expand all four pillars of our Journey: we will pursue Financial Independence through our 3rd Real Estate deal as well as diversifying through stocks and index funds. In regards to travelling the world, we are planning trips to Manchester, England and Scandinavia, in addition to family visits to Croatia and US. Lastly, when it comes to life at sea, I am extremely excited to be joining a new ship in mere days, which will be sailing in, for me, new regions – Caribbean and Southern Europe.

So, all in all, plenty to look forward to in 2019! Hope to meet and see you, friends, on our journeys, if not, then through our written Journey here.

Time is the most valued resource each of us possesses. Use it to grow – every year.

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