Why 2018 will be the greatest year

Well, before giving answer to the above question and elaborating (even providing Harvard article to back my reasoning), let’s take a quick look back and appreciate the 2017!

Well, you know you’re going to have a crazy year when it starts with inauguration of one Donald Trump! Three days after it, Sherry and I got our own – official start, if you will. We got married and via the courtesy of Sherry’s sister, Wanderlust Wendy, got some amazing pics to go as well!

Globally, on one end of the spectrum, this was a year where the world seemed even crazier than usual with ideologies and politics causing deaths and meaningless destruction daily and nature once again demonstrating its power over us. Yet, on the other end of the spectrum, we saw and contributed to immense acts of kindness and empathy in helping those in need as well as witnessed humanity’s drive to better future. Primarily, here in mind I have Elon Musk and his visions to provide renewable and clean energy to mankind as well as see us reach Mars by 2024! Those are not the only projects he is working on, so it is hard not to be inspired by him and people with vision like his.


Financially, 2017 continued the rising trend with stock flying record-high and the housing prices rapidly increasing in all markets, despite growing rumors of pre-2008 bubble being recreated. We did not manage to acquire second investment property, in part due to that, but did manage to invest and diversify in a different manner. Our first property continued to bring in cash flow with our tenants renewing lease.

Personally, in 2017, both of us got new positions, moved to Shanghai, learned Mandarin, self-taught ourselves how to design a website and met a whole bunch of interesting people. We started on our Journey, explored Mexico City, Xi’an, Taiwan and saw whole bunch of friends have babies. And that brings us to 2018!

So, how can 2018 top it and be greatest ever? I’ll be quoting one of those people that inspired me, my cousin Nick-Anthony Zamucen here, and his amazing book Bits of Wisdom: The Art of Success and Fulfillment“Being great is a habit, not an exception”. His book definitely leaves the reader with determination and passion to take on the world! Funnily enough, I completed it on New Year’s Eve, and as I put it down, I took a pen and a piece of paper and wrote down my goals and how my 2018 is going to look like. It’s important to hold yourself accountable, set goals that you have always wanted to accomplish, but make sure they have a timeline. Everyone can have vague goals and then not act upon them, but if you truly desire to accomplish something, and have set yourself realistic deadline on it, there is nothing that will stop you in reaching it.

Most of us are hindered by our habits and laziness, always looking for easy way out. But once you train your mind to be persistent, you will be amazed to see how you mind will find new, creative ways to deal with obstacles.

My goals for 2018, among others, include acquiring second investment property and starting to write a novel by the end of the year. Yours might include doing something for your health, your career, your financial independence or simply for yourself. Go somewhere you always wanted to go, do something that you always desired to do, deep down. You are the only one who can limit yourself, or as Nick-Anthony puts it – you hold the key!

Under my goals, I wrote 3 sentences that will guide me through not only 2018, but beyond as well, and they are:

  1. Learn something new every day.
  2. Whatever you do, be the best at it.
  3. Be grateful for what you have.

To elaborate, these 3 sentences, or goals might seem simple, and they are. But they are also easy to forget among daily troubles and habits. And that is where I have placed them, in habits, as the first thing I do in the morning when I wake up is recite what I am grateful for in my life. And the last thing I do before falling asleep, is recite what have I learned that day. Going back to the article in Harvard Health magazine from the beginning, titled Giving thanks can make you happier, they conclude that people who are actively grateful and appreciate what they have in life, instead on focusing what they lack, lead healthier and happier lives. And that is what all of us want.

In the same spirit, the other two goals reflect my desire to evolve by learning daily and give it my all at whatever I choose to undertake.

There’s nothing that a determined mind cannot accomplish! So, how do I know that 2018 will be the greatest year*? Well, I am going to make mine the greatest! …How about you?

*That is if Trump doesn't start a nuclear war and destroy us all first :)


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